Juxtaposition Art Journal

41 days at Penland School of Craft

When I left my corporate job in October 2022, my first stop was a 6-week textile concentration at Penland School of Craft in North Carolina. I sought to document this transition for myself, knowing it would be a pivotal experience, and also for colleagues and friends who were curious about this new stage in my life.

This art journal was the result. Each day, on a blank card, I transcribed a quote that was said to me or overheard, and drew a memorable or important scene from the day’s events, abstracting it down to a simple line drawing. These cards were then photographed across campus. The day’s image, quote, and location were all unrelated to each other, apart from the fact that they were part of my Penland experience: a juxtaposition of the sights, sounds, and scenes from my time there.

At the end of 41 days, the photographs were collected and printed into a book. A selection of photos are below. You can see them all by looking at the Penland Ink Diary tag on my blog.


Painting & Printing on Fabric

